
    Looking to buy PS4? Sony has announced their new console PS5, Know the Price & Specs

    Playstation 5 is coming soon! with a hike in price
    Playstation 5 is coming soon! with a hike in price

    Sony Playstation 5 is coming! After a huge gap for about 6 years, If you don’t remember the older generation in the PlayStation series Playstation 4 was released on 15th of November in 2013!

    Playstation 4 still fits in to become a huge competition for the latest in-play station services from Amazon and Microsoft!

    Regarding PlayStation 5 a new report from Bloomberg was made which was about Sony’s upcoming gaming console, PlayStation 5.

    Sony’s Playstation 5 – What is the expected price?

    Sony Corporation Logo
    Sony Corporation’s Logo

    PlayStation 5’s reports also speak out that the new console could be costlier than expected. In addition, the reports were pointing that manufacturing a single unit of PlayStation 5 makes final costs around $450, which can bump retail selling pricing of PlayStation 5.

    You must be wondering about the final costs fro manufacturing PlayStation 4 Pro. The manufacturing costs were low as compared which makes the retailed final price to reached at $400.

    Sony’s Playstation 5 – Issues faced by Sony to manufacture the console!

    Sony Reported that they have been facing shortage of components for the manufacturing of PlayStation 5
    Sony Reported that they have been facing a shortage of components for the manufacturing of PlayStation 5

    As per Bloomberg’s sources, the reason for the hike in the manufacturing costs for PlayStation 5 is the scarce availability for the components used to manufacture the console.

    After that, Sony also reported that they have facing supply issues for DRAM and NAND flash memory for equipping the PS5.

    This scarcity for the components is due to increased demand for resources in the mobile segment from smartphone giants.

    Employees at Sony said to the company that they should consider selling the consoles at a loss to match the pricing of their competitors Microsoft’s upcoming consoles the Xbox Series X.

    In the meantime, some executives think that Sony will surely make a huge profitable approach with the release of PlayStation 5.

    Sony is consistenly working on ways to reduce the pricing of their new console PlayStation 5!
    Sony is consistently working on ways to reduce the pricing of their new console PlayStation 5!

    Sony’s CEO Kenichiro Yoshida believes that the success of a console should be judged based on the number of active users and not by the number of units sold.

    As per views from the employees in sony, it is said that the pricing for PlayStation would be more based on the price tags which Microsoft sets for its Xbox Series X.

    Xbox Series X is expected to be announced at E3 2020.

    Sony reveals and takes the decision about the pricing of its new consoles in the month of February but this time, it seems like Sony is opting for “wait-and-see approach”

    Sony’s CFO Hiroki Totoki is striving to provide more transparency on PlayStation 5’s release, which reportedly has “caused consternation” (an unexpected feeling of anxiety) internally.

    “We must keep PlayStation 5’s bill of materials under our control and we need to make the correct number of units in the initial production,” said Totoki at Sony’s recent earnings call.

    You must be also thinking n the coronavirus impact, so there is a certain report saying that the coronavirus outbreak has not affected the PlayStation 5 launch timeline so far.


    What do you think? What can be the pricing for Sony’s PlayStation 5? Do let us know your opinions on the comment section below!

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