With the advancements in technology, people spend more and more time online every day. And while technology has made our private and professional lives much easier, it doesn’t come without risks.
 One of the risks that people face every day while using the services of the Internet is ransomware attacks. These kinds of attacks are used by cybercriminals against internet users to make financial gains. In the text below we bring you everything you need to know about ransomware.
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What is ransomware?
 Ransomware is a type of malicious software. It works on the principle of encryption. After the attacker gets access to the sensitive information, he then uses encryption to make it inaccessible to the victim. This software is designed to make way really fast inside a system, a data archive, or even a server. If this happens, the whole system can get immobilized.
 The attacks by this software are almost always followed by a ransom request, the victim is asked to pay a certain amount of money to regain access to his or her information. These kinds of cyberattacks create hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for criminal organizations every year. And the worst part is that these funds are later used to fund terrorist and military organizations all over the planet.
How does it work?
This type of malware uses asymmetric encryption. It means that victims’ files get locked and the victims lose access to the keys. These keys are created by one or more perpetrators and stored on their servers. In theory, the victim should get these keys after they pay the ransom but of course, since this is a criminal act there are no guarantees. It is almost impossible to get back access to the files without the keys, which means that the data is as good as lost.
 In most cases, the ransomware informs the victim that they need to pay the ransom amount within a day or two or they will forever lose access. And if the victim does not have a backup the only thing that he or she can do is pay the amount that is asked and hope that the attackers will give them the keys to access their files.Â
Why do attackers target online casinos?
With all of the data and information that they possess and have access to, online casinos are one of the most common targets of ransomware attacks. Behind the surface full of exciting games and features, online casinos have huge databases. These databases are full of information belonging to the casino and its customers.
 Personal data, financial data, payment gateways and applications are the most common target of attackers. To avoid this, players should only play at online casinos or sports betting sites that have the appropriate security measures and protocols in play. The last thing you want to happen is to go online to enjoy some slots or cricket betting and get your data compromised in a ransomware attack.
How to get protected
There are a number of things that you can do to protect yourself from a ransomware attack. To make things easier for you, we have prepared the most common.
 Make backups
 One of the most efficient ways to ensure that you always have access to your data and files is to create a backup. You can create a backup on the cloud or you can use a physical drive. If you become a victim of a ransomware attack, clean your computer. After you finish cleaning your system, use your backup to install your files again.
 Secure your backups
 If you are taking our advice and making a backup, don’t forget to make sure that your backup cannot be accessed from your main system. Ransomware spreads through the whole system and it won’t have any trouble finding your backup if it can access it from the main system.
Install protection software
 Install security software on all of the technology equipment you are using. But make sure that you keep it up to date because only having it is rarely enough. Check for updates on a regular basis, they can make all the difference.
Practice safe surfing
Practice online awareness, use secure sites, and learn how to recognize those that are suspicious. Think twice before you visit a shady site that you have never visited before. Also, don’t open emails from unknown people or download files from untrusted sources.
Don’t use public WiFi
 Don’t use public wireless connections, because in most cases they don’t have the necessary security in place. But if you still decide to use them, make sure to install a VPN, this way your connection will be safe wherever you are.
 Stay informed
 Get to know your enemy. Inform yourself as much as you can about ransomware and. This way you will know how to look for red flags. You might even stumble on some free tools from tech companies that you can use if you get in trouble.
Technology has made our life easy in so many ways, but we should not take it for granted. There are still a lot of areas for improvement and flaws that criminals can exploit and make your online experience gruesome. We hope this article has helped you to at least become aware of one type of threat.