Transhumanism is a concept that’s been around in science fiction for a long time (It even predates online blackjack. Gosh.) The idea is that humanity is rapidly advancing technologically, but humankind ourselves are stagnant at the moment. Thus, in order to keep up with the machines, humanity must evolve to… something else. Such an evolution could be brought about in a number of ways, although the most popular in fiction is cybernetics.
The novel “Neuromancer” introduced the world to the genre of “Cyberpunk”, where even the lowliest of thugs could have their limbs replaced with giant, gorilla-like, mechanical forearms that would make Popeye the Sailor jealous. Movies like “Blade Runner” asked questions like whether or not robots who looked, talked, and behaved exactly like you and I deserve rights.
“Star Trek”, in a surprisingly hard-line take, outlawed genetic engineering, which was used to create a race of Superhumans that became warlords during Earth’s third world war. “The Matrix” popularized the idea that humanity could be living in a simulation. Even some video games touch on these themes, such as “Bioshock”, “Deus ex”, “System Shock”, and the more unimaginatively named “Cyberpunk: 2077”.
For the most part, the majority of these themes and ideas have been left to the world of science fiction. The aesthetics and themes are mostly cherry-picked and put into franchises because they’re just plain cool. “Alita: Battle Angel”, “Warhammer: 40,000”, and “Borderlands” all contain these ideas, but they’ve played for the “rule of cool” factor rather than any sort of philosophical abstraction. Which is fine, don’t get me wrong.
However, the world is rapidly changing, and new technologies are on the horizon, which could very well change everything. You’ve probably seen bionic arms on YouTube, like those supplied by the OpenBionics charity for amputees, in action. You’ve probably also seen the incredible feats pulled off by Boston Dynamics’ various robots. Technology has come a long way, and it’s only getting more and more advanced. The problem is that a lot of those deep, philosophical questions that all those books and movies and video games asked… were never actually answered.
Most chilling of all is that we are on the cusp of making some truly mind-boggling technologies. The question is, can we at all trust the men making them, and are we as a species ready for them?
Brain Chips
The idea that there could be chips in our heads, reading our thoughts or even telling us what to do, is pretty unnerving. Certain conspiracy theorists have been warning us about them for decades. I don’t think it’s an entirely unfounded worry these days either.
In Sweden, a company has already developed a microchip that can be read by your smartphone for Covid Passports. They’re also used to replace keyfobs, passwords, and various other security mechanisms. They’re a digital ID, mostly, but they cannot transmit anything or send out any signal of any kind. They can only be read via external devices like smartphones. This leads to a host of other problems, like, can a smart hacker steal your data by getting a phone near you with a bit of slide-of-hand?
Admittedly, I don’t know much else about these chips, so I can’t really comment any further without specifics. But I think you get my point. If you thought that vaccine passports were already granting too much government control and insight into the private lives and medical records of its civilians, then wait until they start tagging everyone. Believe me, they really, really want to. Australia is already halfway there with its Covid detention camps.
To top that all off, several of the world’s richest and smartest (?) men are working on brain chips. Oh, they won’t call them that, and fine, technically, they would be right. The most well-known, at this point, is Elon Musk’s Neuralink. This tech, at the moment, is intended to help people with epilepsy through a minuscule device that’s “plugged into” the brain. According to Elon Musk himself, however, this end game for this technology is a piece of tech that will allow for human-machine interfacing. The brain will be able to directly connect to a computer without needing a monitor or keyboard as an interface.
Which, admittedly, is really cool! Imagine having instantaneous access to the internet whenever you want to know something. You’d just have to think about what you want to know, and the information will be put directly into your mind. That would make my tests a hell of a lot easier.
But then the moral and ethical problems begin. Can we trust the companies designing such tech to be benevolent? Will they have access to private information- as in, quite literally, your thoughts? We’re not that advanced yet, but that’s something we should be thinking about. What about bodily autonomy? Will companies start trying to take people to court over ownership lawsuits? Their tech vs. your body? We’re already seeing mandates and laws against citizens just for their (supposedly private) choice about vaccinations. Don’t think it’s so far-fetched.
Zero Privacy, Zero Rights
We’re tracked already nearly all the time anyway, by our governments are the rich. The apps you use to track every word you type, every post you make, everything you click on, and even can identify which posts caused you to stop aimlessly scrolling. From this data, they can extrapolate just about everything they could ever want to know about you, from what political party you like down to when you poop. Yes, I’m serious.
Do they also use your phone’s cameras and microphones to record what you say and do? I can’t say for certain, but anecdotal testing sure as hell seems to indicate that that’s the case. You can try it yourself. Hold up your phone while the screen is off, and say aloud, “Gosh, I would really like to buy some dog food right about now.” Then, start browsing websites with your adblockers turned off and see how long it takes to find an ad for dog food to appear.
So if you’ve ever considered buying “smart home technology”, like an Alexa or a Google Home or even a smart fridge… maybe don’t. You’ve got enough to worry about without wondering if your fridge might be eavesdropping on you.
Businesses aside, the government is no better. The government does not care about you or your rights. The constitution’s purpose is to limit the government’s power, not grant it. Years ago, through the works of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, everyone realized that the NSA was spying on American citizens without warrants or cause.
And nothing came of it.
Now in Covid, governments are pushing their (already overextended) overreach to the limit. Governments like Israel use counter-terrorist phone tracking technology to find people you may have infected. Australia requires people in quarantine to, upon receiving a text from the police, send a photo of themselves within fifteen minutes to prove that they’re actually home… as if forcibly locking people within their homes without due process wasn’t bad enough.
Give an inch; they take a mile.
The Metaverse
Let’s shift gears to another technology that, on the one hand, is awesome; Virtual Reality. VR helmets have been around for decades at this point, but they didn’t really make it into the mainstream until Oculus, which was then picked up by Facebook. Since then, VR has gained a foothold in the market, with companies like HTC Vive, Valve, Sony, and many others diving into the field. While the price of the hobby is still too high for joe schmoe to pick up, VR has created a dedicated niche that produces a uniquely immersive experience that no other medium can quite match.
Facebook, now known as Meta, is looking to change that. By controlling the Oculus store (sort of like the Apple Appstore, but for VR), Facebook can use its profits from the store to offset the price of the helmets. That’s how Meta can afford to sell Oculus Rifts for a mere $300 dollars, while all of its competitors sell helmets between $400 to well over $1000. Heck, some companies gave up on commercial helmets and sell enterprise headsets like the Varjo XR3, which sells an enterprise-only model for a staggering $7000.
In short, Facebook/Meta/Oculus currently dominates the VR market.
But the end game isn’t simply to produce a new video game console. You may have heard of “The Metaverse”. Facebook wants to make an entirely digital world, ala the Matrix, where you can basically live your entire life virtually. Fake home, fake art, fake friends, fake work. In short, a fake life. Maybe it’s a bit rich for me to say, considering that I do love the idea of VR and video games, but I have an entire life outside of them that I participate in. So what’s the point of the Metaverse?
It’s quite literally dystopian. Facebook wants you to live your entire life within the Metaverse, a place where the very laws of reality are controlled by Facebook. Your work, your social interactions, your make-believe house are all controlled by Facebook. What happens if Facebook decides it doesn’t approve of it? Facebook bans users arbitrarily all the time. If someone makes their life dependent on the Metaverse, Facebook would literally hold such a person’s life in their hands.
Facebook is desperately pushing for people to join up to their Metaverse by employing celebrities to use it. Recently, Justin Beiber held a virtual concert, and Snoop Dog bought virtual property- and morons, er, I mean people are paying thousands of dollars for tickets or property next to Snoop Dog’s “house”.
And you bet that Facebook will track and sell everything they learn about you for advertisements. When you live in the Metaverse, they’ll be able to track every movement, gesture, social interaction, habit, preference, and if you use some accessories like microphones, body trackers, and eye trackers, they’ll be able to know every little jig, glance, and blink too (and look HERE at all the stuff they can figure out about JUST from your eyeballs). Zero privacy. Zero security. It’s the kind of power and knowledge from George Orwell’s worst nightmares.
And Facebook will get it completely voluntarily.
Eat The Bugs.
Have you noticed an increasing trend of meat hating? While Veganism and Vegetarianism have been around for centuries, they have never really caught on with the masses. There are two reasons for that:
- Meat is incredibly nutritious
- Meat is exceptionally delicious
However, the anti-meat brigade has found a new avenue to attack from: Climate Change. The claim is that cow farts produce methane, the methane goes into the atmosphere, and methane in the atmosphere is heating up the planet. The environmentalists blame mass farming, and therefore to save the planet, everyone should stop eating meat and destroy the red meat industry.
However, they know that’s not a very palatable (pun intended) policy, so they’ve come up with a solution! BUGS. Mashed and smashed bugs into a paste that can then (in a lab) be made into meat. Lab-based meats, in theory, produce less waste and greenhouse gases and use a fraction of the land that mass farming does. Eventually, it’ll likely be cheaper too. Does it taste any good? That remains to be seen.
The Media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and You
So what’s the end game? Personally, I think that all these rich and powerful elites are determined to gather as much power as they can and bring in the new world order. Maybe that’s a little crazy to say aloud, but I think it’s true. There are just so many things that disturb me. The world’s richest and most powerful people have this sort of incestuous relationship with one another.
The media pushes fear narratives. The government pushes stricter policies because of fear. The people demand cures. Pfizer and NGOs like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation work on and then sell cures. The big tech platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, take down “disinformation” that criticizes these cures. They justify their stance based on articles from the media. Pfizer and Bill Gates both spend millions on the media.
Why do you think every media platform, every international political body, every leader down in silicon valley, wants to destroy nationalism, the family unit, religion, property and even erode the facts of gender and sex? Because they want to dissolve anything that could unite you. Anything that could give you a purpose other than theirs. You will own nothing and be happy.”
They, the government, big pharma, big tech, the rich and powerful; they all want you to be compliant, to be afraid, and they don’t give a rats ass about your opinion. They circle jerk each other to get the results they want. But what do they actually want? Power? World domination? Are they just greedy? Are they all just pedos? I never even touched (no pun intended) on how Jeffery Epstein ties into all this…
Or is it all the above?