More Data Leaks Contains About 800+million Emails in 150GB!

    Big data! This topic is gaining popularity nowadays as everything relies upon it. From knowing the customer to convincing him to purchase something, companies rely upon big data gathered and data analytics to make a decision.

    That’s so crucial, that if you think giving up an email address and name isn’t a big deal, you should reconsider your opinion. Data Leaks Contains About 800+million Emails in 150GB! Data Leaks Data Leaks

    What if leaked to everyone?

    That could lead to wide chances of spamming, targeted adverts frequently, simply filling up your inbox etc. And you should definitely consider all these cases before giving up something.

    Have you anytime considered reading the privacy policy of any app/website you sign up for?

    No! We mostly don’t. That’s a time taking procedure and we don’t spend our efforts on something which isn’t money, right?

    They, services we sign up for, will clearly mention “We may share data with some third parties for business purposes.”

    And that purpose includes processing the given data for later marketing their products to you. This couldn’t be a big deal unless our information is safe in their database only.

    One such leak of today is from a small company, but with a bigger database. is an email verification and marketing company that led to the exposure of one of its clients (MongoDB) database to the public.

    Upon communication, the official site of turned offline and may, started working on the issue.

    Generally, it’s a process asking for companies to upload their customer’s email database to its site for verification. And first found out by security researchers Bob Diachenko and Vinny Troia, they’ve announced about the leak of 150GB MongoDB’s email database from Security experts call it as a “completely unique set of data.” As it contains about 750million+ unique emails from the complete 808million leaked data.

    And now a new expert, Dynarisk calls it as much huge accounting for a total of 196GB in four datasets.

    Further details about this case are still undervaluation and will surface soon.

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