OnePlus always comes up with exciting offers and contest for its users. The company has given free tickets for Avengers: Infinity Wars in its last offer. It has launched a Blind Test competition before launching its upcoming smartphone OnePlus 6. Users can win OnePlus 6 smartphone, Bags, T-Shirts, and passes of the launching event under this blind contest.
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Win a OnePlus 6 in OnePlus 6 Blind Test Contest
The rules of OnePlus 6 Blind Test Contest are very simple. Users have to vote for one image and get a lucky draw ticket for winning this contest. The selection of the winners will be random so anyone can win the prizes if they are lucky enough.
How to Participate
- Visit the site by clicking on the below button to participate.
- Four options i.e. Low Light, Portrait, Architecture and Low Light Portrait will be displayed on the main page.
- Tap the pointer on Architecture.
- Four images will be displayed.
- Vote for one image that you like.
- You will be asked to log in
- Log in via Facebook or Google.
- You can make a new account as well.
- Open every section (Low Light, Portrait, Architecture and Low Light Portrait) one by one and vote for one image.
- Visit the main page of the contest.
- Now, click on the ‘Lucky Draw’ button.
- Then, click on start.
- One person will get 5 chances.
Participate in this contest and try your luck. One can win prizes like JCC T-Bag, OnePlus JCC Cap, OnePlus Messenger Bag, One Plus Rs. 300 Voucher and One Plus Voucher of Rs. 150.
Users can also win the upcoming One Plus 6 smartphones via referring your friends to this competition. The top 3 people, who referred this contest to a maximum number of people will win OnePlus 6.
This contest will start on May 11 and is open until May 14. What are you waiting for? Go and grab the chance.